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Donate brains from a transgenic mouse and get your own 3D data and brain map

Considering donating brains to NeuroPedia?

Are you considering donating brains to NeuroPedia? Insert your contact info below or send an email to, and we will get back to you with guidelines and MTA (Material Transfer Agreement).

    The more maps, the better


    The brain maps in Neuropedia are based on transgenic mouse brains donated by laboratories across the world. The more maps, the better and more complete the atlas will become.


    Most maps in NeuroPedia are based on average expression maps from transgenic fluorescent markers such as GFP, RFP, Tomato, Cherry or Luciferase. To contribute with a map, three adult mouse brains from a transgenic line are shipped to Gubra for processing. Optimally, this should be from 12-20 weeks old mice. After staining and scanning the data is mapped to a LSFM atlas and uploaded to the database. It is free to contribute, and full credit will be given to the donating lab. For more details on how the mapping is done read Perens et al. 2020.

    For more information, please contact


    The generation of digital brain maps is a multidisciplinary discipline requiring both specialized equipment and skills in form of light-sheet fluorescent microscopes and image analysis. As a result the technology is still restricted to a small number of labs. Part of the NeuroPedia vision is to broaden the usage of virtual brain maps. All contributing labs will get the raw data and resulting map in return for their donation.

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